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Poems by Alfred Tennyson, Lord

Break Break Break

Come Down, O Maid

Crimson Petal

Crossing The Bar

Morte D'Arthur


Poems by Charlotte Bronte


Evening Solace


On The Death of Anne Bronte



The Letter

The Wife's Will

The Wood

Poems by D H Lawrence


Autumn Sunshine

Birdcage Walk

Bitterness Of Death

Coming Awake


Embankment At Night, Before The War

Embankment At Night, Before The War - 2

Everlasting Flowers


Flat Suburbs, S.W., In The Morning

From A College Window



Hyde Park at Night, Before the War

In Church


Letter From Town : On A Grey Evening in March

Letter From Town : The Almond Tree

Love Storm


Next Morning

On That Day

Palimpsest Of Twilight

Parliament Hill In The Evening



Piccadily Circus At Night

Reading A Letter

School On The Outskirts

Seven Seals


Sigh No More

Suburbs on A Hazy Day


The North Country

Thief in The Night

Twenty Years Ago

Two - Fold

Two Wives

Under The Oak

Winter In The Boulevard

Poems by Edgar Allan Poe

A Dream

A Dream Within A Dream

A Valentine

An Enigma

Evening Star

Silence - A Sonnet

The Happiest Day, The Happiest Hour

Poems by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

A Child Asleep

A Curse For A Nation

A Dead Rose

A Man's Requirements

A Musical Instrument

A Sea-Side Walk

A Thought For A Lonely Death-Bed

A Woman's Shortcomings

A Year's Spinning


An Apprehension

Aurora Leigh (excerpts)

Bianca Among The Nightingales

Change Upon Change

Cheerfulness Taught By Reason

Chorus of Eden Spirits



De Profundis



From ‘The Soul’s Travelling’



Human Life’s Mystery



Lord Walter's Wife


Mother and Poet

My Heart and I

On A Portrait Of Wordsworth

Only a Curl

Pain In Pleasure

Past And Future

Patience Taught By Nature

Perplexed Music

Rosalind's Scroll

Sonnet 01 - I thought once how Theocritus had sung

Sonnet 02 - But only three in all God's universe

Sonnet 03 - Unlike are we, unlike, O princely Heart

Sonnet 04 - Thou hast thy calling to some palace-floor

Sonnet 05 - I lift my heavy heart up solemnly

Sonnet 06 - Go from me. Yet I feel that I shall stand

Sonnet 07 - The face of all the world is changed, I think

Sonnet 08 - What can I give thee back, O liberal

Sonnet 09 - Can it be right to give what I can give?

Sonnet 10 - Yet, love, mere love, is beautiful indeed

Sonnet 11 - And therefore if to love can be desert

Sonnet 12 - Indeed this very love which is my boast

Sonnet 13 - And wilt thou have me fashion into speech

Sonnet 14 - If thou must love me, let it be for nought

Sonnet 15 - Accuse me not, beseech thee, that I wear

Sonnet 16 - And yet, because thou overcomest so

Sonnet 17 - My poet, thou canst touch on all the notes

Sonnet 18 - I never gave a lock of hair away

Sonnet 19 - The soul's Rialto hath its merchandise

Sonnet 20 - Beloved, my Beloved, when I think

Sonnet 21 - Say over again, and yet once over again

Sonnet 22 - When our two souls stand up erect and strong

Sonnet 23 - Is it indeed so? If I lay here dead

Sonnet 24 - Let the world's sharpness, like a clasping knife

Sonnet 25 - A heavy heart, Beloved, have I borne

Sonnet 26 - I lived with visions for my company

Sonnet 27 - My own Beloved, who hast lifted me

Sonnet 28 - My letters! all dead paper, mute and white

Sonnet 29 - I think of thee!—my thoughts do twine and bud

Sonnet 30 - I see thine image through my tears to-night

Sonnet 31 - Thou comest! all is said without a word

Sonnet 32 - The first time that the sun rose on thine oath

Sonnet 33 - Yes, call me by my pet-name! let me hear

Sonnet 34 - With the same heart, I said, I'll answer thee

Sonnet 35 - If I leave all for thee, wilt thou exchange

Sonnet 36 - When we met first and loved, I did not build

Sonnet 37 - Pardon, oh, pardon, that my soul should make

Sonnet 38 - First time he kissed me, he but only kissed

Sonnet 39 - Because thou hast the power and own'st the grace

Sonnet 40 - Oh, yes! they love through all this world of ours

Sonnet 41 - I thank all who have loved me in their hearts

Sonnet 42 - 'My future will not copy fair my past'

Sonnet 43 - How do I love thee? Let me count the ways

Sonnet 44 - Beloved, thou hast brought me many flowers



The Autumn

The Best Thing In The World

The Cry Of The Children

The Deserted Garden

The House Of Clouds

The Lady's Yes

The Landing Of The Pilgrim Fathers

The Look

The Meaning Of The Look

The Poet And The Bird

The Prisoner

The Runaway Slave at Pilgrim's Point

The Seraph and the Poet

The Soul's Expression

The Two Sayings

The Weakest Thing

To Flush, My Dog

To George Sand : A Desire

To George Sand : A Recognition

Work And Contemplation

Poems by Emily Dickinson

A Bird came down the Walk

A narrow Fellow in the Grass

A Route of Evanescence

A slash of Blue

A word is dead

After great pain, a formal feeling comes

Ample make this Bed

Apparently with no surprise

Awake ye muses nine

Because I could not stop for Death

"Faith" is a fine invention

Fame is a bee

Frequently the wood are pink

Going to Heaven

He ate and drank the precious Words

Heart! We will forget him!

"Hope" is the thing with feathers

How happy is the little Stone

I cannot live with You

I died for Beauty -- but was scarce

I dreaded that first Robin, so

I felt a Funeral, in my Brain

I have a Bird in spring

I heard a Fly buzz -- when I died

I like to see it lap the Miles

I never lost as much but twice

I never saw a Moor

I never told the buried gold

I robbed the Woods

I started Early -- Took my Dog

I taste a liquor never brewed

I'll tell you how the Sun rose

I'm Nobody! Who are you?

If I can stop one Heart from breaking

If I should die

If those I loved were lost

If you were coming in the Fall

It sifts from Leaden Sieves

It was not Death, for I stood up

It's all I have to bring today

Much Madness is divinest sense

My life closed twice before its close

My Life had stood -- a Loaded Gun
My wheel is in the dark

Nobody knows this little Rose

On this wondrous sea

One Sister have I in our house

Safe in their Alabaster Chambers

"Sic transit gloria mundi"

Sleep is supposed to be

Snow flakes

Some keep the Sabbath going to Church

Success is counted sweetest

Tell all the Truth but tell it slant

The Brain -- is wider than the Sky

The Bustle in a House
The Guest is gold and crimson

The Red -- Blaze -- is the Morning

The Soul selects her own Society

There is a solitude of space
There is a word

There Is Another Sky

There's a certain Slant of light

There's been a Death, in the Opposite House

This is my letter to the World
This World is not Conclusion

Through the Dark Sod -- as Education
To see the Summer Sky
Water, is taught by thirst

We lose -- because we win

We never know how high we are
Wild Nights -- Wild Nights!
You love me -- you are sure

Poems by John Donne

A Fever
A Hymn To Christ At The Author's Last Going Into Germany

A Hymn To God The Father

A Lame Beggar

A Valediction : Forbidding Mourning

A Valediction : Of Weeping

Air And Angels

Break Of Day

Celestial Music
Confined Love

For Whom The Bell Tolls

Elegy I : Jealousy
Elegy II : The Anagram

Elegy III : Change

Elegy IV : The Perfume

Elegy V : His Picture

Elegy VI

Elegy VII

Elegy VIII : The Comparison

Elegy IX : The Autumnal

Elegy X : The Dream

Elegy XVI : On His Mistress

Elegy XVIII : Love's Progress

Holy Sonnet I :
Tho Has Made Me

Holy Sonnet II :
As Due By Many Titles I Resign

Holy Sonnet III :
O Might Those Sighs And Tears Return again

Holy Sonnet IV :
Oh My Black Soul! Now Art Thou Summoned

Holy Sonnet V :
I Am A Little World Made Cunningly

Holy Sonnet VI :
This Is My Play's Last Scene, Here heavens appoint

Holy Sonnet VII :
At The Round Earth's Imagined Coorners blow
Holy Sonnet VIII :
If Faithful Souls Be Alike Glorified

Holy Sonnet IX :
If Poisonous Minerals, And If That tree

Holy Sonnet X :
Death Be Not Proud

Holy Sonnet XI :
Spit In My Face You Jews, And Pierce my side

Holy Sonnet XII :
Why Are We By All Creatures Waited on

Holy Sonnet XIII :
What If This Present Were The Worlds last night

Holy Sonnet XIV :
Batter My Heart, Three-Personed god
Holy Sonnet XV :
Wilt Thou Love God, As He Thee? Then digest
Holy Sonnet XVI :
Father, Part Of His Double Interest

Holy Sonnet XVII :
Since She Whom I Loved

Holy Sonnet XVIII :
Show me, dear Christ, thy Spouse so bright and clear

Holy Sonnet XIX :
Oh, To Vex Me, Contraries Meet In One

John Donne - The Paradox

Love's Deity

Love's Usury

Negative Love

Self - Love

Song (Go And Catch A Falling Star)

The Apparition

The Bait

The Broken Heart

The Canonization

The Damp
The Dissolution

The Dream

The Ecstasy
The Expiration

The Flea

The Funeral

The Good - Morrow

The Indifferent

The Legacy

The Message

The Primrose

The Prohibition

The Sun Rising
The Token

The Triple Fool
Witchcraft By A Picture
Woman's Constancy

Poems by John Keats

A Dream, After Reading Dante's Episode Of Paolo And francesca

A Thing of Beauty (Endymion)

Addressed To Haydon

Answer To A Sonnet By J.H.Reynolds

Bards of Passion and of Mirth, written on the Blan

Bright Star, Would I Were Steadfast As Thou Art

Endymion : Book I

Endymion : Book II
Endymion : Book III

Endymion : Book IV

Epistle To My Brother George


Fill For Me A Brimming Bowl

Fragment of an Ode to Maia

Give Me Women, Wine, and Snuff

Happy Is England! I Could Be Content

His Last Sonnet

Hither, Hither, Love

How Many Bards Gild The Lapses Of Time!

Hymn To Apollo


If By Dull Rhymes Our English Must Be Chain'd

In Drear

Isabella or The Pot of Basil

Keen, Fitful Gusts are Whisp'ring Here and There

La Belle Dame Sans Merci

Last Sonnet

Lines from Endymion

Lines On The Mermaid Tavern

Meg Merrilies

O Blush Not So!

O Solitude! If I Must With Thee Dwell

Ode On A Grecian Urn

Ode On Indolence

Ode On Melancholy

Ode To A Nightingale

Ode To Autumn

Ode to Fanny

Ode To Psyche

On Fame

On First Looking Into Chapman's Homer

On Leaving Some Friends At An Early Hour

On Seeing The Elgin Marbles For The First Time

On Sitting Down To Read King Lear Once Again
On The Grasshopper And Cricket

On The Sea

Robin Hood
Song of the Indian Maid, from 'Endymion'

The Day Is Gone, And All Its Sweets Are Gone

The Eve of St. Agnes

The Human Seasons

Think Of It Not, Sweet One

This Living Hand

To ---

To A Friend Who Sent Me Some Roses

To A Young Lady Who Sent Me A Laurel Crown

To Ailsa Rock

To Autumn

To Byron

To Fanny

To G.A.W.

To Haydon

To Homer

To Hope

To John Hamilton Reynolds
To Mrs Reynolds' Cat

To My Brother George

To My Brothers
To One Who Has Been Long In City Pent

To Sleep

To Solitude

To The Nile   

When I have fears that I may cease to be
Where's the Poet?

Where Be Ye Going, You Devon Maid?

Why Did I Laugh Tonight? No Voice Will Tell

Written Before Re-Reading King Lear
Written On A Blank Space At The End Of Chaucer's Tale of the flowre and the lefe

Written On A Summer Evening
Written On The Day That Mr Leigh Hunt Left Prison

Poems by Louisa May Alcott

Fairy Song

From the Short Story "A Christmas Dream, and How it Came True"

From the Short Story "Shadow - Children"

From the Short Story "What the Swallows Did"

Lily - Bell and Thistledown - Song 1

Lily - Bell and Thistledown - Song 2


My Kingdom

The Forst King - Song 1

The Frost King - Song 2

The Lay of a Golden Goose

The Rock and the Bubble

The Rose Family - Song 1

The Rose Family - Song 2

Thoreau's Flute


Poems by Mark Twain

A Sweltering Day in Australia


Ode to Stephen Bowling Dots Dec'd

The Aged Pilot Man

Those Annual Bills

To Jennie

Poems by Matthew Arnold

A Wish

Apollo Musagetes


Cadmus and Harmonia


Dover Beach

East London

From the Hymn of Empedocles

Growing Old


Isolation : To Marguerite

Lines Written in Kensington Gardens


Memorial Verses



Obermann Once More



Quiet Work


Rugby Chapel

Self - Dependence


Sohrab and Rustum

Stanzas from the Grande Chartreuse

The Buried Life

The Forsaken Merman

The Future

The Last Word

The Pagan World

The Scholar Gypsy

The Song of Callicles

The Song Of Empedocles

The Strayed Reveller

The Voice

Thyrsis, a Monody

To A Friend

To a Republican Friend

To Marguerite

West London

Worldly Place

Youth and Calm

Poems by Oscar Wilde

At Veron



E Tenebris



Holy Week at Genoa


In The Forest

Le Jardin
Le Jardin Des Tuileries

La Mer

Le Panneau

Les Ballons

Louis Napoleon

On the Massacre of Christians in Bulgaria
Pan - Double Villanelle
Rome Unvisited
San Miniato
Symphony in Yellow
The New Remorse
To Milton
Urbs Sacra Aeterna

Poems by Raj Sharma

A Dew Drop 

A Shepherd is My Dream

Broken Bench


The Path

The Void

Poems by Ralph Waldo Emerson

A Mountain Grave

Alphonso Of Castile


Each And All



From The Phi Beta Kappa Poem

Good Bye

Good Hope





Lines To Ellen


Monadnoc From Afar




Peter's Field




Suum Cuique

The Bell

The Bohemian Hymn

The Enchanter

The Miracle

The Problem

The River

The Sphinx

The Summons

The Visit

The Walk

The Waterfall

The World Soul


To J. W.

To Rhea





Written in A Volume of Goethe

Written in Naples

Written at Rome

Poems by Robert Frost

A Brook in The City

A Dream Pang

A Late Walk

A Patch of Old Snow

A Peck of Gold

A Prayer in Spring

A Servant to Servants

A Soldier

A Time to talk

Acquainted with the Night

After Apple - Picking

An Old Man's Winter Night


Blue-Butterfly Day

Bond And Free

Canis Major

Come In

Desert Places

Dust of Snow

Fire and Ice

Fireflies in The Garden

Fragmentary Blue

Ghost House

Going For Water

Home Burial

Hyla Brook

In A Disused Graveyard

Into My Own

It Bids Pretty Fair

Love & A Question

Meeting and Passing

Mending Wall


My Butterfly

My November Guest

Nothing Gold Can Stay

Now Close The Windows


On Looking up by Chance at the Constellations

Once By the Pacific

"Out, Out -"



Rose Pogonias

Spring Pools


Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

Storm Fear

The Armful

The Axe Helve

The Bear

The Code

The Cow in Apple Time

The Death of the Hired Man

The Hill Wife

The Lockless Door

The Mountain

The Need of Being Versed in Country Things

The Oven Bird

The Pasture

The Road Not Taken

The Runaway

The Secret Sits

The Self - Seeker

The Star - Splitter

The Telephone

The Tuft of Flowers

The Vanishing Red

The Witch of Coos

The Wood - Pile

To Earthward

To The Thawing Wind

Tree At My Window

Two Look at Two


West Running Brook

Wind and Window Flower

Poems by Robert Louis Stevenson

A Valentine's Song

About the Sheltered Garden Ground

Ad Martialem

Ad Nepotem

Ad Olum

Ad Piscatorem

Ad Quintilianum

Ad Se Ipsum

After reading "Antony and Cleopatra"

Air Of Diabelli's

An English Breeze

Apologetic Postscript Of A Year Later

As In Their Flight The Birds Of Song

As One Who Having Wandered All Night Long

At Last She Comes

Away with funeral Music

Before This Little Gift Was Come

Behold, As Goblins Dark Of Mein

Come From The Daisied Meadows

Come, Here Is Adieu To The City

Come, My Beloved, Hear From Me

Come, My Little Children, Here Are Songs For You

De Coenatione Micae 

De Erotio Puella

De Ligurra

De Hortis Julii Martialis

De M. Antonio

Death, To The Dead For Evermore

Dedicatory Poem For "Underwoods"


Early In The Morning I Hear On Your Piano

Envoy For "A Child's Garden Of Verses"

Epitaphium Erotii

Fair Isle At Sea

Fear Not, Dear Friend, But Freely Live Your Days

Fixed Is The Doom

Flower God, God Of The Spring

For Richmond's Garden Wall

Go, Little Book - The Ancient Phrase

God Gave To Me A Child In Part

Had I The Power That Have The Will

Hail! Childish Slaves of Social Rules
Hail, Guest, And Enter Freely

I Am Like One That For Long Days Had Sate

I Do Not Fear To Own Me Kin

I Dreamed of Forest Alleys Fair

I Know not how, but as I count

I Love To Be Warm By The Red Fireside

I Who All The Winter Through

I, Whom Apollo Sometime Visited
In Charidemum

In Lupum

In Maximum
In The Green And Gallant Spring
It Blows A Snowing Gale
It's Forth Across The Roaring Foam

Know You The River Near To Grez

Late, O Miller

Let Love Go, If Go She Will

Light As The Linnet On My Way I Start

Lo! In thine honest eyes I read

Lo, Now, My Guest

Long Time I Lay In Little Ease

Loud And Low In The Chimney

Love, What Is Love?

Love's Vicissitudes

Man Sails The Deep Awhile
Men Are Heaven's Piers

Mine Eyes Were Swift To Know Thee

Music at the Villa Marina

My Heart, When First the black bird sings

My Love Was Warm

Ne Sit Ancillae Tibi Amor Pudor

Now Bare To The Beholder's Eye

Now When The Number Of My Years

O Dull Cold Northern Sky

On Now, Although The Year Be Done

Over The Land Is April



Since Thou Hast Given Me This Good Hope, O God

Since Years Ago For Evermore

Small Is The Trust When Love Is Green

So Live, So Love, So Use That Fragile Hour


Soon Our Friends Perish

Spring Carol

Spring Song

St. Martin's Summer 

Still I Love To Rhyme

Stout Marches Lead to certain ends
Strange Are The Ways Of Men

Swallows Travel To And Fro
Tales Of Arabia

Tempest Tossed And Sore Afflicted

The Angler Rose, He Took His Rod

The Bour - Tree Den

The Cock's Clear Voice Into The Clearer Air
The Far - Farers

The Old Chimeras, Old Receipts

The Piper

The Relic taken, what avails the Shrine

The Summer Sun Shone Round Me

The Vanquished Knight 

The Wind Blew Shrill And Smart

The Wind is Without There and Howls in The Tree

This Gloomy Northern Day

Thou Strainest Through The Mountain Fern (A Fragment)

Though deep indifference should drowse

To All That Love The Far And Blue

To Charles Baxter

To Friends At Home
To Madame Garschine

To Marcus

To Mesdames Zassetsky And Garschine
To Miss Cornish
To Mrs. Macmarland

To Ottilie

To Rosabelle

To Sydney

To The Commissioners of Northern Lights

To What Shall I Compare Her

What Man May Learn, What Man May Do
When The Sun Comes After Rain

You Looked so tempting in the Pew

Poems by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

A Day - Dream

A Dialogue In Verse

A Tombless Epitaph

An Ode To The Rain
Answer To A Child's Question



Constancy To An Ideal Object

Dejection : An Ode

Domestic Peace

Duty Surviving Self - Love


Epitaph On A Bad Man

Epitaph On An Infant

Epitaph On An Infant - 2

'Fancy In Nubibus' OR 'The Poet In The Clouds'

Fears In Solitude

Fire, Famine, And Slaughter


France - An Ode

Frost At Midnight

Human Life

Hunting Song

Hymn Before Sun-Rise, In The Vale Of Chamouni

Hymn To The Earth

Inscription For A Fountain on A Heath

Inscription For A Time Piece

Kubla Khan


Lewti, or The Circassian Love Chaunt



Lines On A Child

Lines To W. Linley, Esq.


Love, A Sword

Love's Apparition And Evanishment
Love's Burial Place

Love's First Hope

Love, Hope, And Patience In Education


Ne Plus Ultra

Not At Home

Ode To Tranquility

On A Bad Singer

On A Cataract

On An Infant Which Died Before Baptism

On Donne's Poetry


Sanctii Dominici Pallium



Sonnet - On A Ruined House In A Romantic Country

Sonnet - To Simplicity
Something Childish, But Very Natural

The Ballad Of the Dark Ladie - A Fragment

The Butterfly

The Death Of The Starling
The Devil's Thoughts

The Eolian Harp

The Garden Of Boccacio

The Good, Great Man

The Kiss
The Knight's Tomb

The Nightingale

The Pains Of Sleep

The Pang More Sharp Than All

'The Picture' Or 'The Lover's Resolution'

The Rime of The Ancient Mariner
The Suicide's Argument

The Three Graves

The Two Founts
The Two Round Spaces On The Tombstone
The Virgin's Cradle Hymn

The Visionary Hope
The Visit Of The Gods

This Lime-Tree Bower My Prison

Time, Real And Imaginary

To A Gentleman (William Wordsworth)
To Lesbia
To Nature   

Work Without Hope
Youth And Age

Poems by Sara Teasdale

A Ballad of Two Knights

A Fantasy

A Maiden

A Minuet of Mozart's

A Song of the Princess

A Winter Night

At Night



Buried Love

But Not to Me

By the Sea

Central Park at Dusk

Christmas Carol

City Vignettes

Coney Island




For the Anniversary of John Keats' Death

Four Winds

Galahad in the Castle of the Maidens

Gramercy Park, For W. P.


Helen Of Troy

Hidden Love

"I Love You"

I Would Live in Your Love

In the Metropolitan Museum

Less than the Cloud to the Wind

Love and Death

Love in Autumn

Love Me

Madeira from the Sea



On the Death of Swinburne

Paris in Spring


Primavera Mia





Snow Song


Song - 2

Song - 3

Soul's Birth

The Blind

The Faery Forest

The Kiss

The Metropolitan Tower

The Prayer

The Princess in The Tower

The Return

The Rose And The Bee

The Shrine

The Song For Colin

The Song Maker

The Wanderer

The Wayfarer

The Wind

To Cleis

To Erinna

To an Aeolian Harp



Two Songs For A Child

Union Square

Vox Corporis

When Love Goes

When Love Was Born

Wild Asters

Young Love

Youth and the Pilgrim

Poems by Sir Philip Sidney

A Dialogue Between Two Shepherds 

A Farewell

A Remedy For Love


Dispraise of A Courtly Life

From Earth to Heaven

Must Love Lament?



Song - 2

Song - 3 

Song - 4


Sonnets - 2

Stanzas to Love

The Seven Wonders of England 

The Smokes of Melancholy

Two Pastorals


Verses - 2

War of Sonnets

Wooing Stuff

Poems by Sylvia Plath

A Life

A Better Resurrection

A Birthday Present

A Lesson in Vengeance 


Among The Narcissi

An Appearance


April 18 



Berck - Plage

Black Rook in Rainy Weather 



By Candlelight



Converation Among The Ruins

Crossing the Water 



Death & Co.

Dialogue Between Ghost and Priest


Electra on Azalea Path


Face Lift


Fever 103 

Fiesta Melons

Frog Autumn 

Full Fathom Five

Getting There



I Am Vertical 

In Plaster




Lady Lazarus 


Last Words 

Leaving Early 


Letter in November


Love is A Parallax 

Love Letter


Mad Girl's Love Song

Mary's Song




Monologue at 3 AM 

Morning Song



Never Try to Trick Me With A Kiss 

Nick and The Candlestick 

Night Shift 

On Looking Into The Eyes of A Demon Lover




Poems, Potatoes 

Polly's Tree

Poppies in July 

Poppies in October






Sheep In Fog 

Sleep in The Mojave Desert


Southern Sunrise





Strumpet Song

Tale of A Tub

The Applicant 

The Arrival of The Bee Box

The Bee Meeting

The Bull of Bendylaw

The Colossus 

The Couriers

The Dead 

The Disquieting Muses

The Eye - Mote

The Moon and The Yew Tree

The Munich Mannequins

The Night Dances

The Other 

The Other Two 

The Queen's Complaint

The Rival 

The Sleepers 

The Swarm

The Thin People 

The Times are Tidy

Three Women



Two Campers in Cloud Country

Two Sisters of Persephone 

Two Views of A Cadaver Room

Vanity Fair 

Virgin In A Tree 

Winter Landscape, With Rooks

Winter Trees 



Wuthering Heights



Poems by Walt Whitman

A Dream

A Dream Within A Dream

A Valentine

An Enigma

Evening Star

Silence - A Sonnet

The Happiest Day, The Happiest Hour

Poems by William Blake

A Divine Image

A Dream

A Little Boy Lost 

A Little Girl Lost

A Poison Tree

A Song

Ah Sunflower

Divine Image

Earth's Answer 

Holy Thursday
Holy Thursday - 2

Infant Joy

Infant Sorrow 

Laughing Song


My Pretty Rose Tree


Nurse's Song

Nurse's Song - 2 

On Another's Sorrow


Songs of Experience 

Songs of Innocence

The Angel

The Blossom

The Book of Thel

The Chimney Sweeper

The Chimney Sweeper  - 2

The Clod and The Pebble

The Echoing Green

The Fly

The Garden of Love

The Human Abstract

The Lamb

The Lily

The Little Black Boy

The Little Boy Found 

The Little Boy Lost

The Little Girl Found

The Little Girl Lost

The Little Vagabond

The Schoolboy

The Shepherd

The Sick Rose

The Tiger

The Voice of The Ancient Bard

To Tirzah

Poems by William Buttler Yeats

A Dialogue of Self And Soul
A Prayer for My Daughter

A Prayer for Old Age
A Song From 'The Player Queen'
Adam's Curse

After Long Silence
Among School Children

An Acre of Grass
An Irish Airman Forsees His Death
Broken Dreams

Brown Penny

Easter, 1916

He Wishes For The Cloths of Heaven
Leda and The Swan 

Love's Loneliness

Never Give All The Heart

No Second Troy

Sailing to Byzantium

September 1913

Sweet Dancer

The Circus Animal's Desertion

The Fisherman
The Lake Isle of Innisfree

The Municipal Gallery Revisited
The Second Coming

The Sorrow of Love

The Stolen Child
Under Ben Bulben
When You Are Old

Poems by William Shakespeare

Shakespeare's Sonnets 1 - 25

Shakespeare's Sonnets 26 - 50

Shakespeare's Sonnets 51 - 75

Shakespeare's Sonnets 76 - 100

Shakespeare's Sonnets 101 - 125

Shakespeare's Sonnets 126 - 154

The Passionate Pilgrim

The Phoenix and The Turtle

Poems by William Wordsworth

Composed Upon Westminster Bridge

I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud

Lines Written In Early Spring

London, 1802

Resolution And Independence

Written In March

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